
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great Value Nutrition
ByMiche1227on March 6, 2012
Verified Purchase
Although I’ve only been taking Udo’s 3-6-9 Oil Blend for just a few weeks and have not seen or felt measurable health improvements in that time
there is a confidence knowing I’m getting the right kind of fats in my body everyday. I just usually drink it down with a bit of water or add it to a salad.
I like the fresh flavor. I suppose if this habit is coupled with reducing bad fats in the diet significantly, then the ratio of good to bad which should be 1:1
will come very much closer to hitting the mark. At under $40 (with shipping) for a 32 oz. bottle, I feel the bang for the buck is definitely worth it.
I can’t say that for many overpriced supplements. I will re-order this product.

5.0 out of 5 stars
ByJMEon May 4, 2015
Size: 32 oz|Package Type: Standard Packaging|
Verified Purchase
It takes a couple of weeks to start working. But it does help ease inflammation. My bursitis is much better.
需要几周的时间才能见效。 但它确实有助于缓解炎症。 我的滑囊炎好多了。

5.0 out of 5 starsGREAT FOR YOUR SKIN
Bynewhouse230on May 27, 2011
Verified Purchase
I was given my first bottle of this product as a gift (a ‘thank you’ present from a neighbor whose mail I had picked up a number of times). I was expecting nothing when I started taking it, but thought it would be harmless, and could have some long term cancer fighting benefits.
What I did notice, after just a FEW DAYS, which made the product immmediately worthwhile, was that my SKIN was dramatically healthier looking! My usual dry areas (elbows, shins, heel of foot etc) were miraculously improved! Overall, my skin had a moist, healthy look to it. I was really surprised that the body made such good use of the oil in such short order.
So….without commenting on the value of ‘omega-3 oil’ as a cancer-fighting agent, or anti-inflamatory….or any of the other things claimed for it…..I will simply say that IT ABSOLUTELY WORKS TO MOISTURIZE YOUR SKIN FROM THE INSIDE OUT!…and that alone makes it a great value.

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