


Stoneham House Holdings Ltd Ms. Elaine Alexander (President) Distributor of “Flor•Essence”.
November12, 1992 William Gaspard 2814 Salmo Court Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Ms. Alexander:
I am writing in regards to the “Flor•Essence” herbal product and how
it has turned my mother’s health around.
On November 1991 my mother (Elsie Gaspard) was diagnosed with
cancer of the throat and stomach and given three months to live. On boxing day, my sister Vi heard about your herbal tea (Flor•Essence) from her friend. She purchased some from you, brewed it up and made it available to Mom through the rest of the family. Mom was in bad shape; the doctor said she was too far gone for chemotherapy and prescribed morphine for the pain. He said, just try to keep her comfortable, that was all that can be done. Nobody was very enthusiastic about the herb tea, therefore, she didn’t receive it on a regular basis, and she threw up much of that. She was thin as a rail and her eyes were dark sunken circles. She seemed oblivious of everything.
On May 16, an article on “Flor•Essence” came out in the Vancouver Sun. There were several encouraging accounts on how the medicine had amazing results with other cancer patients. Our family became greatly enthusiastic about the medicine. My sister Barbara visited Mom for a while to see that she took the tea on a regular basis. As a result, Mom’s health improved dramatically through the months. She gained weight; her appetite and mental capabilities came back.
Best of all, her doctor diagnosed her almost cancer free on or about
October 1st, 1992.
Thank you, sincerely
William Gaspard.
Elsie Gaspard
Ponderosa Lodge
425 Columbia St Kamloops, BC V5Z 1M9

这是一封 1992 年 11 月 12 日由威廉·加斯帕德写给伊琳的信件。
收件人地址:英属哥伦比亚温哥华,萨尔莫法院 2814,V6T 1N7。
寄件人地址:英属哥伦比亚坎卢普斯,哥伦比亚街 425 号黄松宾馆 V5Z 1M9。

尊敬的亚历山大女士: 我写信给您,告诉您有关“富兰·益赛思”草本产品是如何使我
1991 年我母亲 ( 名字叫埃尔茜·加斯帕 ) 被诊断为喉癌和胃癌,
只有 3 个月的生命。在圣诞节前夕,我妹妹 Vi 从她朋友那里听说了您 的这个草本茶 ( 富兰·益赛思 ) 。她通过家里其他人从你那里买了一些, 把它煮过后给我妈妈喝,这对我妈妈是有效果的。我妈妈当时状况很 不好,医生说对她进行化疗和给予吗啡镇痛也无济于事。他说现在所 能做的,只能试着让我母亲过得舒适些。没有人对这个草本茶感兴趣, 因此我母亲也不接受这个,扔掉了很多。她骨瘦如柴,她的眼睛深凹 还有黑眼圈。她似乎还对于一切事情都容易健忘。

5月16日,温哥华太阳报刊载了一篇有关“富兰·益赛思”的文章。 这里有一些令人鼓舞的记述,是有关这种药如何让其他癌症患者产生 令人吃惊的效果。我家里人对这个药物变得非常感兴趣。有一段时间 我妹妹芭芭拉探望她,看到她定时喝这种茶。结果,几个月之后我母 亲的健康状况明显改善。她的体重也增加了;她的食欲和精神面貌也 恢复过来了。
最好的结果是,1992 年 10 月 1 日她的医生几乎未诊断出癌症迹象。 真诚地感谢您!


Feb.15, 1993
Flora Distributors,
7400 Fraser Park Drive,
Burnaby, B.C. V5J 5B9 151
Dear Sirs:
As a result of breast cancer, I had a partial mastectomy (lumpectomy)
in May 1991, followed by five weeks of radiation.
During the year following I did not feel well, lacked energy, and had
numerous health problems (bursitis, severe arthritis pains in my arms, insomnia, hemorrhoids, etc.)
I started taking Flor•Essence twice a day July 1992. At the end of the first week my insomnia, started to improve noticeably, and I began to feel well. There have been no signs of arthritis since I started Flor•Essence, even though I have had mild arthritis pains in my hands and wrists every fall for years. I also have diverticulosis (outpouchings on the weakened walls of the colon) which causes alternating periods of constipation to such an extent that my bowels now feel normal. An added benefit as a result of this is that the hemorrhoids seem to have disappeared.
Flor•Essence also has a calming effect, and I no longer feel the need to meditate to relieve stress.
Yours truly, Phyllis Campbell

这是 1993 年 2 月 15 日由菲丽丝·坎贝尔写给富兰公司的一封信。
收件人地址:英属哥伦比亚本拿比,弗雷泽公园路 7400 号,
区号:V5J 5B9

因为乳腺癌的原因,我在 1991 年 5 月做了一次乳腺区段切除手术
(乳腺肿瘤切除术),随后进行了 5 周的放疗。 在接下来的一年里,我感觉体质不好,缺乏精力,还出现很多健
1992 年 7 月,我开始每天 2 次服用富兰·益赛思。在第一周结束时,
我的失眠症开始有显著改善,我开始感觉身体在恢复。即使是多年来 每次我的手和手腕落下的时候都会有轻微的关节炎疼痛症状,自从我 开始服用富兰·益赛思,关节炎没有任何症状了。我还有肠憩室病(在 肠壁上薄弱处向外突出)导致便秘交替出现,服用益赛思之后我感觉 肠道也恢复正常了。还有另一个好处就是我的痔疮似乎消失了。
富兰·益赛思还有镇静的效果,我感觉不需要再考虑如何去缓解 压力的问题。
真诚地 菲丽丝·坎贝尔


Dear Elaine,
My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in March of this year.
The cancer had spread to the lymph node. We were very concerned. Our son found out about your herbal tea, and talked us into going to one of your seminars.
After learning about all the positive results that many people had experienced using FLOR·ESSENCE herbal Tea, my husband reluctantly tried it. He is now on the Prostate blend as well.
My husband was experiencing fatigue and tiredness on the combination hormonal therapy as well as many frequent trips to the washroom in the middle of the night.
Presently his PSA is down to 0.2 which is exactly where he should be seen without one of the two hormonal drugs. Night-time trips to the washroom have no gone to normal.
Our whole family believe in your herbal tea and feels very strongly it has contributed to the excellent results to date.
We will certainly keep in touch and thanks you for all your sincere help.
With the testosterone of 0.3 we made love. The oncologist thought it was funny, and we think it is wonderful.
Thank you so much.
Yours truly Elhede Hari Mr. and Mrs. A. Hari
September 11/93

这是 1993 年 9 月 11 日由哈里夫妇写给伊琳的一份信件。
今年的 3 月份丈夫被诊断出前列腺癌。癌细胞已经扩散到淋巴结。
我们都非常担心。我们儿子发现您的草本茶,说服我们去参加您其中 的一次研讨会。在听到了有关很多人已经使用富兰·益赛思草本茶获 得显著疗效之后,我丈夫就勉强地开始服用益赛思。现在他还在使用 前列腺的混合疗法。
我丈夫过去一直进行联合激素治疗,以及夜间频繁上厕所,让他 感觉很疲惫。
目前他的血清 PSA 检查下降到 0.2,他应该意识到这完全不是那 2 种激素药物中的任何一种作用的结果。夜间他上厕所的次数也恢复 正常了。
我们全家都相信您这个草本茶的效果,至今强烈地感觉它发挥着 显著的疗效。
我们在睾酮是 0.3 的水平下做爱。肿瘤专家认为很滑稽,我们认 为它是神奇的。


May 8, 1995
Ms. Elaine Alexander 4728 Byrne Rd. Burnaby. B.C. V5J 3R7 Canada
RE: Flor•Essence
真诚地艾海迪·哈里夫妇Dear Ms.Alexander:
I am pleased to write this letter and share with you what Flor•Essence
has done to help my husband, Ken. Ken has suffered with ulcerative colitis for about seven and a half years. He has visited doctors during this time hoping to find a cure or at least something to relieve the condition.
Each time he would see a doctor, he was told there was nothing that could be done for the condition, they did not know the cause, and he would just have to learn to live with the situation. A colonoscopy was performed on several occasions, and on one occasion a picture was taken of the last six inches of the inside of his colon which revealed tissue that looked like raw ground meat. His colon constantly oozed mucus and blood, and to say the least he was in a miserable state. The last two years were really the most difficult as he was traveling extensively and was under a lot of stress on his job.
A friend of ours shared the “Essiac” story with us, and in October 1994 he started on the “drops”. We were not aware of any difference in the Essiac products. In January of 1995, he decided to try the Flor -Essence, and he began to see some improvement in his condition. At first, he notice a change in bowel action all together. We discussed the situation and decided he should try the tea as an enema. He did this and saw dramatic results. The bleeding and mucus drainage stopped. His condition has continued to improve, and I am pleased to tell you that he is having no symptoms of the condition any longer.
Flor•Essence has been an answer to my prayers. This condition has been a constant worry for many years, and he was even told at one point there was a possibility it could turn into cancer. We have shared this product information with many people in hopes others will benefit from the tea.
Please tell Leda thank you for sending me the additional information,
I requested on Flor•Essence.I am thankful Rene Caisse and Dr.Brusch were so willing to help those in ill health. Most of all, thank you for caring enough about others to make available in the U.S.A.
Sincerely, Likne Kelley

这是 1995 年 5 月 8 日由莉克妮·凯利写给伊琳·亚历山大的一封 回信。
收件人地址:加拿大,英属哥伦比亚,本拿比伯恩路 4728 号, V5J 3R7。
尊敬的亚历山大女士: 我很高兴给您写这封信,和您一起分享富兰·益赛思为我丈夫肯
所提供的帮助。肯已经患溃疡性结肠炎 7 年半了。他这次去看医生是 希望能找到一种治疗的方法,或至少可以缓解一些症状。他每次去看 医生,医生都告诉他对于这种不知病因的病症没有任何办法,他只能 去适应这种情况。已经做过好几次结肠镜检查,有一次检查,拍结肠 最后 6 英寸的照片里发现有生肉样组织。他的结肠时常有黏液和血渗 出,至少可以这么说他现在处于一种痛苦的状况。近两年来最艰难的 情况是,他在身体压力很大的时候还要到各地出差。
我们的一个朋友跟我们分享了有关“益赛思”的故事, 1994 年 10 月他开始使用“滴剂” ( 市面上另外一种声称是护士茶的产品 ) 。 我们没有意识到益赛思产品的任何差异。1995 年 1 月,他决定使用 富兰·益赛思,他开始看到了他的症状有一些改善。首先,他注意到 肠道功能的变化。我们讨论了他的这种情况,决定他应该尝试一下草 本茶作为一种灌肠剂来治疗。他照做了,并且看到了显著的疗效。出 血和黏液渗出停止了。而且他的症状在继续改善,我很高兴地告诉您, 他现在没有任何肠胃的症状了。

富兰·益赛思是我祈祷的回报。这种状况我一直担心了很多年, 医生告诉他,某些地方甚至有可能会转变成癌症。我们已经跟很多人 分享了这个产品的事情,希望他们能从这个草本茶中受益。请告诉丽 达,感谢你送给我们这么多信息,我已经得到富兰·益赛思了。我感 谢蕾妮·凯西和布什医生一直乐于帮助那些患病的人们。最重要的是, 谢谢你们这么关心那些在美国的人们也可以买到这个产品。


To fellow prostate cancer patients: 157
Dramatic Results With Flor•Essence Conjoined With Hormonal Therapy
In September 1994, at 75 years, I was examined by a Urologist/ surgeon at a local prostate clinic to determine the cause of my increasing urinary problems.
The following diagnostic tests were done:PSA (prostate specific antigen) a biopsy, and total bone scan. The results on Oct.17/94/were devastating.
“you have prostate cancer and it has spread to your bones (including the skull). The PSA finding is a high 87. On a scale of 1 to 10 your rate is 8. Or according to the Gleason’s scale, stage2-with a life expectancy of two years if treatment is unsuccessful.”Having been a hospital chaplain for 35 years, visiting many terminal prostate cancer patients, and burying a number of them, I realized how grim this diagnosis meant, which left little hope for active duty for several people.
Fortunately, instead of surgery and possible chemotherapy, I opted for the hormonal treatment, Zoladex, (to be taken in monthly depots). Flutamide pills were to be taken twice daily, as well, the Flutamide was discontinued when intense pains began in my knee joints, and my left ankle became swollen.
In the interval, I shared my experiences with three others, who were beset with prostate cancer problems and various treatments. During these talks, I was introduced to Flor•Essence herbal tea, and was given the telephone number 1-800-466-3063.
With in five days I received the Essiac Report. I studied it carefully, and started on the herbal tea (2 oz.twice daily) with the doctor’s knowledge, he was skeptical about any help from taking these herbs.
However, after two depots of the monthly hormone Zoladex, and two weeks of Flor•Essence Tea, the PSA dramatically declined (from 87 to 7.9). The doctor’s prediction of any regression with the hormone might take a year, subsequently, a few weeks later my family physician ordered another PSA. The result was amazing—a further decline to 2.6 (normal). This new result was welcomed as a victory over a dreaded disease.
My self-employment, without interruption, has continued to enable me to provide for my children’s college education. This healing testimony was shared with a number of friends, now on Floreseence. I am currently on one and a half oz.daily taken at night.
I am deeply indebted to the cause and untiring efforts of Rene Caisse, Dr.Brausch, and now Elaine Alexander, in whom they placed their trust, to keep hope alive for cancer patients through the power of herbs.
This is consistent with the ancient cultures and of the teachings of the
old testament, as recorded in psalm 104—verse 14: “he causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, And herb for the service of man.”

Signed: Fred A.Wilkes
1994 年 9 月,我 75 岁,在当地的前列腺诊所进行了检查,泌尿
科医生 / 外科医生确定我小便次数增多的原因。 做了以下的诊断性实验:血清 PSA(前列腺特异性抗原)的活检,
和全身骨扫描。在 1994 年 10 月 17 日得到了可怕的检查结果。 “你得了前列腺癌并已扩散到骨骼(包括颅骨)。PSA 显示是一 个高值 87。按 1 ~ 10 分级,你的是 8 级。根据 Gleason 评分系统,2 分—
是如果治疗失败,预期寿命是 2 年。”
我在一所医院做牧师已经 35 年了,我看过很多晚期的前列腺癌症
患者,也埋葬了很多患者,我能够意识到这个诊断意味着多么的残酷, 这让一些人基本上对现实没有了希望。
幸运的是,我选择了诺雷德激素治疗(每月进行治疗一次),来 代替外科手术和化疗。每日服用两次氟他米特药片,在我的膝关节开 始剧烈疼痛以及左脚踝肿胀的时候,停止服用氟他米特。
其间,我与其他三人共享我的经验,他们都是被前列腺癌问题和 各种治疗所困扰。在谈话中,他们向我介绍了富兰·益赛思草本茶, 并给我了一个电话号码 1-800-466-3063。
5天内我收到了益赛思的报告。我认真地了解了它,在医生的指 导下开始服用这个草本茶(每天两次,每次 2 盎司),他对这些药草 的效果持有怀疑态度。
然而,2 个月的诺雷德治疗之后,服用富兰·益赛思草本茶 2 周, 血清 PSA 检查指标显著下降(从 87 降到 7.9)。医生预测激素水平恢 复正常需要一年的时间,随后几周我的家庭医生对我又进行了一次血 清 PSA 检查。检查结果非常令人吃惊——指标再次下降到 2.6(正常 范围)。作为一个战胜可怕癌症的胜利,这个新的结果太鼓舞人心了。
我不断地自主创业,继续为我的孩子们上大学提供生活费。现在 我跟很多朋友分享了这个有关富兰·益赛思治愈的证据。现在我每天 晚上服用 1.5 盎司的益赛思。
为此,我深深地感激 Rene Caisse、Brausch 医生和现在伊琳·亚 历山大坚持不懈的努力,他们把他们的信心,通过草本茶的功效为那 些癌症患者带来了继续生存的希望。
这与古代文化和旧约教导,如记录在《圣经》诗篇 104 篇 14 节, 都是相一致的。


Wood bridge-Ontario L4L7V1 Thursday, April 22, 1993 62 BLAINE COURT
Dear Ms. Alexander,
Thank you very much for your honest concern about my father’s
condition I would like to let you know how impressed and overwhelmed I am, for your honest interest, also how happy I am that I was able to talk to you at the Seminar in Toronto.
As I’ve already told you, my father was diagnosed with adeno- carcinoma on the prostate gland in Oct 9 1992,. Please look at the enclosed copy of the doctor’s diagnosis. The therapy suggested was radiotherapy without chemo. However, due to personal reason, my father had to leave for Cyprus in November 1992, upon which time I gave him two bottles of the Liquid Flor•Essence which he was taking morning and evening, 2 oz at each time as per instructions. In February 1993, he went to a specialist in Cyprus to be re-examined and to assess the possibility of having the radiotherapy there instead of coming back to Canada.
The initial examination showed no cancer. I contacted the doctor in Cyprus and asked him to perform the same biopsy my father had done in Toronto, i.e. transrecto biopsy. The enclosed copy of the results speaks for itself. No evidence of cancer, only the Cypriot doctor suggests a hormone therapy just because the Canadian biopsy showed adeno-ca. We were overwhelmed, surprised at the fast results. I still can’t believe Flor•Essence worked so fast on my father, who, by the way, is not a very good keeper of diet or health regiments. He consumes a lot of sugar (which as your said to me, in Toronto, is an enemy of Cancer patients!).
I sent him more supplies of Flor•Essence and told him to continue taking it, but my real triumph will be when I convince him to come back to Toronto to be checked again by the same doctor who originally found the cancer!
I have an appoint to talk to my doctor and tell him about the turnaround of my father’s condition but I really don’t think he will attribute it to Flor•Essence. We discussed it before and he does not believe in herbal remedies. I’m anxious to see, though, how he is going to explain the sudden disappearance of cancer in 2 months. Enclosed are all the facts of my father’s condition, before and after the Flor•Essence.
I have 2 more friends, one in Windsor, the other one in Hamilton who have both lymphatic cancer and are taking Flor•Essence. The first lady in Windsor is also under another experimental treatment. If you would like to talk to her, please let me know, I will give her name and phone number. She needs all the support and encouragement!
In our circle of friends, I was perhaps the first one to know about Essiac back in 1977, from Homemakers talking about a mercy remedy for those who have no other hope! They have other drugs which are supplied on mercy grounds for Aids and other incurable diseases.
Do you think that Flor•Essence will be ever allowed to prove it’smiraculous effect on cancer patients/ how can, we, the people who know it’sbenefits, help to make it known to those who need it?
Please, acknowledge receipt of my letter? Promise to keep in touch!
Regards, Elli Flertherious

这是 1993 年 4 月 22 日星期四由艾丽写给伊琳·亚历山大的一封信。 寄件人地址:安大略湖省布莱恩法院 62 号,邮编:L4L7V1 。
亲爱的亚历山大女士: 非常感谢您这么真诚地关心我父亲的状况,我想让您知道,对于
您真诚的关心,我印象非常深刻,也有点不知所措,能够跟你在多伦 多的研讨会上交谈,我也是非常的开心。
正如我已经告诉你的,我父亲在 1992 年 10 月 9 日被诊断出前 列腺癌。请看医生诊断书的复印件附件。医生建议不化疗,直接放疗。 尽管这样,由于个人原因,我父亲在 1992 年 11 月不得不去塞浦路斯, 而这段时间我给他服用了 2 瓶液体装的富兰·益赛思,他都是按照说明书早晚一次服用 2 盎司。1993 年 2 月,他在塞浦路斯找了一个专科 医生重新做了检查,评估一下不用回加拿大直接在那放疗的可能性。
这次初步的检查显示没有癌细胞。我联系了塞浦路斯的医生,问 他我父亲在多伦多进行同样的活检结果怎么不一样。还有检查的报告 的复印件附件说明了确实患癌。证据表明没有患癌症,塞浦路斯医生 只是仅仅根据在加拿大的活检报告显示前列腺癌,建议进行激素治疗。 我们惊讶于这个快速报告都有点不知所措了。我始终不敢相信富 兰·益赛思在我父亲身上这么快就出现效果,顺便说一下,他不是一 个善于严格控制饮食或卫生健康的人。他吃很多的糖(正如在多伦多 你对我说的,那是癌症患者的危害物!)。
我送给他更多的富兰·益赛思,并告诉他继续坚持服用 , 但是我 真正的胜利是我说服他回到多伦多由最初确诊他患癌症的同一位医生 再次检查了一遍!
我跟我的医生约了个谈话时间,并告诉他我父亲病情转变的情况, 但是我不认为他会把这种情况归功于富兰·益赛思的疗效。之前我们 讨论过,他不相信这种草本疗法。虽然我渴望知道,他是如何解释两 个月癌细胞突然的消失这种情况。但是我还是附上了服用富兰·益赛 思前后我父亲病情变化的所有事实资料。
我有 2 个朋友,一个在温莎,另一个在汉密尔顿,两个人都患有 淋巴癌,并且都在服用富兰·益赛思。第一位在温莎的女士也是在另 一个实验性治疗下服用的。如果你想要和她谈谈,请告诉我,我会把 她的名字和电话号码给你,她需要一切的鼓励和支持!
在我们的朋友圈里,我也许是早在 1977 年第一个知道有关益赛思 背景的,我是从主妇杂志上谈到这个无望患者的幸运疗法中了解到这 个产品的。他们出于同情还提供其他的药物治疗艾滋病以及其他的不 治之症。
你认为富兰·益赛思会被允许在那些癌症患者身上证实它神奇的 疗效吗?而那些人们又能通过什么方式了解到它的好处呢?我们怎么才能帮助那些需要它的患者们,让他们去了解富兰·益赛思呢?

致敬 艾丽


May 25/95
To whom it may concern:
In March of 1994, my mother after a few months of not being able
to walk, phoned me in Vancouver and asked me to take her to the doctor. Come quickly she said, I think I’m dying. The doctor diagnosed breast cancer which had spread to the bones. He was angry she had not gone for a check-up earlier.
Now it was too late he said. Maybe with chemo and radiation she might last for two years at the most, but he thought probably six months, considering how far the cancer had spread. It was in her hips, spine, shoulders and base of skull. When the shock of all this wore off a little, I went into action, determined to do everything I possibly could, to at least ease her pain. I remember praying very hard and asking God to show me what to do. That same day I received five calls from concerned friend all telling me about this “Essiac” tea. This was a message. That same day I went out and got the tea and all available information on it.
I started her on the tea morning and night and never forgot to give it to her. After a few months I was beginning to lose hope as she was getting much worse she was so very ill, full of pain, couldn’t eat or go to the bathroom. She looked like a skeleton held together by her skin. At this point the doctor said she probably would not last two weeks. This was at the beginning of August/94. At the end of August something happened… her appetite returned, she started walking. Slowly at first because she had been in bed for six months. Her pain was gone and her energy returned. Slowly she built her strength, gained weight and started doing more things she hadn’t done in a long time. This was a miracle. Today my mom has an active life, many friends, lives on her own in Kelowna and is looking forward to the birth to a new grandchild in September/1996. The doctors seemed very shocked and offer no explanation… I’m convinced that what really helped was the Flor•Essence tea I consistently made her drink.
The greatest benefit of this was the easing of her great pain. For this, I thank God for having led me to this tea, which I had never heard of before.

Thank you. Anna Todesco

这是 1995 年 5 月 25 日安娜写的一封信。

1994 年 3 月,我母亲不能走路的几个月之后,打电话给在温哥华
的我,让我带她去看医生。她说,你快来吧,我想我快死了。医生诊 断她患了乳腺癌,已扩散到骨头。医生对她没有早点去做检查很生气。 现在医生说太晚了。考虑到癌症扩散的程度,也许进行化疗和放 疗,她最多可以持续 2 年的时间,但是他认为很可能只有 6 个月的时 间。癌细胞已经扩散到髋部、脊椎、肩部以及颅底部。当我从这一切 的震惊中清醒一点的时候,我立刻决定尽我最大可能去做一些至少可 以减轻她疼痛的事情。当天我接到了 5 个关心我的朋友的电话,他们
都告诉我有关这个“益赛思”茶的事情。这是一个信息。那天我去买茶, 并找到所有可以得到的有关它的信息资料。
我开始让她每天早上、晚上喝益赛思茶,从不忘让她按时喝。几个月之后,我开始失去希望,因为她变得更糟糕,她病得非常严重, 充满了痛苦,无法吃饭,也不能去卫生间。她看起来就像一副保留了 皮肤的骨架。这是 1994 年 8 月初。在 8 月底发生了一些变化:她的食 欲恢复了,她开始走路了。起初因为她一直在床上躺了 6 个月,所以 走路慢吞吞的。她的疼痛症状也消失了,精力也恢复了。慢慢地她变 得有劲了,体重也增加了,还开始做更多一些她很久都没有做的事情。 这真是个奇迹。现在,我母亲的生活有了生气,有很多的朋友,独自 一人生活在基洛纳,并期待着 1996 年 9 月外孙子的出生。医生非常的 震惊,也无法解释这一些……我确信真正帮助我母亲的是我坚持让她 喝的富兰·益赛思茶。
这个益赛思茶最大的好处就是它极大地缓解了疼痛。对于这点, 我感谢上帝带给我这个以前从未听说过的益赛思茶。
谢谢你 安娜


One morning, when i woke up in the spring of 1974, I realized the both of my legs were quite heavy and that I could no longer move them. Gradually after a week’s time, I was able to move them slightly. I was hospitalized for a few weeks. When I finally get out, I had to walk with a cane for many months. In the fall of 1980, I began having blood pressure problems which I was able to control with the help of medication. Following surgery for the removal of a slipped disc in the spring of 1986, problems with my vision appeared. I began having bladder control problems in the beginning of 1987 and in the summer, I became paralyzed once again but only on the left side.
From 1987 to 1992 I paralyzed seven times. Doctors had diagnosed me as having MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, NEUROGENIC BLADDER,ESSENTIAL LABILE BLOOD PRESSURE. I lived from my bed to my wheelchair, never leaving my cane behind. Only in 1990 was i hospitalized for 154 days, following that incident I had to resign my self to quitting my job.I don’t have to mention that mentally I was not doing too well. I was being treated by neurologists, urologists, nephrologists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. I took a lot of medication: many of which were steroid and cortisone treatments. I wore a prothesis on my left foot for over one year.
At the end of November 1992, I had heard of Flor•Essence and it was only at the end of January 1993 that I began my treatment. In the beginning I took 3 doses of 56 ml daily which was reduced after two weeks to 2 doses of 56 ml per day. During that same period I followed a rehabilitation program that was offered by a rehabilitation center in my area. After 4 weeks I began to notice that my fatigue had substantially decreased and nonetheless, I found some hidden strengths that had been previously lost.
For the very first time at the end of April 1993, I walked without a cane. I was physically evaluated at the time I had started my rehabilitation program and when I completed the program at the end of May 1993, I had improved by more than 200%.
On this day, august 1th, 1993, I walked without a cane. I no longer take any medication, my physical state is a almost back to normal and the problems with my equilibrium, my dizziness, my vision, my fatigue and my bladder have all disappeared. My mental state is quite good. At the age of 42 with a multiple sclerosis label, I thank god that I am aware of Flor•Essence, a magic potion that convinces me that my quality of life can improve.
Gilles Rioux

1974 年春天的一个早晨,我醒来的时候意识到我的双腿很重,不能移动。一周之后,渐渐地,我的双腿可以轻微地移动。我住院治疗 了几周。最后我出院的时候,靠手杖我行走了几个月。1980 年秋天, 我血压开始出现问题,并在药物的帮助下控制血压。随后在 1986 年手 术移除一个突出的椎间盘,然后出现了视觉问题。1987 年初,我的膀 胱控制开始出现问题,夏天我再次出现左侧肢体瘫痪。
从 1987 年—1992 年,我瘫痪了 7 次。医生诊断我是多发性硬化症、 神经性膀胱功能障碍,基础血压不稳定。之后我就生活在床上或轮椅上, 从没有脱离过手杖。1990 年我住院治疗了 154 天,随后我不得不辞去 工作。我没有提及我精神方面一直都不是很好。我一直都是由神经科 医生、泌尿科医生、肾病专家、精神科医生、理疗医生以及职业技师 来治疗。我吃过很多种药,其中有许多类固醇激素和可的松。我左脚 上戴假肢有 1 年多了。
1992 年 11 月底,我听说了富兰·益赛思,但是 1993 年 1 月底我 才开始服用它用于治疗。我每天 3 次,每次服用 56ml,2 周后减少到 每次 56ml,每天 2 次服用。在同一时期,我所在地区的康复中心提供 给我一个康复计划。4 周后我开始注意我的疲劳感已经大大地减少, 然后,我发现一些以前失去的隐藏的能力。
1993 年 4 月底我第一次不用手杖走路。同时进行身体评估,我已 经开始执行康复计划了,1993 年 5 月底我完成这个康复计划的时候, 我整体状况提高了 200% 以上。
1993 年 8 月 1 日这天,我不用手杖走路。我不再服用任何药物, 我的身体状况基本恢复到正常水平,我的失衡感、头晕、视力、疲劳 感以及膀胱问题都消失了,我的精神状态也非常好。42 岁的年龄就带 着多发性硬化症的标签,我感谢上帝,让我知道了富兰·益赛思这个 不可思议的药剂,使我相信我的生活质量能够得到提高。



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