
【Udo油是国际健康学权威、世界油脂大师、有机·非精炼亚麻籽油之父-Udo Erasmus博士在亚麻籽油基础上延伸和完善的一种植物精选配方油,提供必需脂肪酸的最佳平衡组合。】
How can you go wrong when you’ve got the best! You can use it in so many ways… …
ByWilderness Cowgirlon June 2, 2016
Size: 32 oz|Package Type: Standard Packaging|
How can you go wrong when you’ve got the best! You can use it in so many ways… In smoothies, With lemon juice as a salad dressing, pour it over cottage cheese and it’s delicious… let your imagination run wild and be healthy! What ever you do, never heated it up. I’m just an individual not an ad. You can buy cheap junk food and die, or spend a little more and live!
我只是用户而不是广告。 你可以买便宜的垃圾食品,然后死掉,或者多花一点钱而变的健康!
love it! wish it was a bit less expensive though!
Bystephmoweryon May 4, 2016
Size: 32 oz|Package Type: Standard Packaging
I originally found this product at Sprout’s, at the recommendation of my son’s behavioral therapist. We are managing my son’s ADHD with diet, exercise and supplementation, since he is only 7 and I don’t want to medicate. The only thing I wish was different was the price. It is quite expensive, at twice the cost of other brands. However, I tried and used the NOW foods brand, which is great nutritionally, but tastes horrible. Even mixing it with yogurt or oatmeal, and my kids had to choke it down. This stuff has hardly any taste at all, with an almost nutty aftertaste. Mixing it, my kids can barely tell it’s there. I settled on using this brand because I don’t want my kids to dread taking it, but it sure puts a dent in our wallet.
ByMissTeeon June 3, 2016
Size: 32 oz|Package Type: Standard Packaging|
I have been taking this oil on and off due to laziness. I’m not a fan of its taste but I LOVE the way it makes my skin and hair feels so soft. It also makes my nails grow faster, which to a lot of women is a positive thing but I hate clipping my nails. My eye doctor also recommends this as fish oil substitute for my dry eyes condition when I was a vegetarian.
I pour small amount into smaller bottle and keep this smaller bottle refrigerated. The rest stays in the freezer to keep it fresh longer.
As the best way to drink it, I struggled as it kinda feels like I’m drinking cooking oil somewhat… Put it in yogurt, not a good idea as my yogurt now tastes nutty. Put it in cereal, now THIS is a BAD idea. Every spoonful I take, I only taste this oil. That was one painful breakfast.
So I did what a grown woman would do, take shot of it and be done and over with. Pour into a table spoon, have some juice/soda/any flavored drink ready next to it, take a shot (don’t swallow yet), take a sip of the flavored drink, swallow both together, then take another sip of the drink to flush down the after taste off your mouth. Best thing that helps washing the after taste for me is cold soy milk.
Good luck!
由于懒惰,我没有认真的服用这油。 我不是很喜欢这个味道,但我喜欢它使我的皮肤和头发感觉如此柔软。 它也使我的指甲生长得更快,对很多女性来说是一个好事情,但我讨厌修剪指甲。
我将少量倒入较小的瓶子,并保持这个较小的瓶子冷藏。 其余的留在冰柜里保持更长时间。
把它放在早餐谷物里,真不是一个好主意 。 每吃一匙,就只能吃到油的味道 。 那真是一个痛苦的早餐。
4.0 out of 5 starsGreat oil for healthy living but huge bottle outlives usage.
ByJudith Terryon September 7, 2014
Size: 32 oz|Package Type: Standard Packaging|
Verified Purchase
Wow this is one large bottle of oil. It would be nice if it were available on a smaller scale since it only keeps in the refrigerator for a relatively short period of time per the label instructions. I only use a small portion mixed with EVOO for my salad dressing so this bottle has way past lasted it’s suggested life usage for me with quite a bit of wasted product. Maybe there are more uses than for salad dressing that I just don’t know about and should research so that there isn’t such waste.
哇!这是一大瓶油。 如果它瓶子小一些就好了,因为标签说明上说它只能保存在一个较短的时间里。
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