办公室附近有一个烤面包圈店,传统工艺,面包圈有嚼头 越嚼越香。这份简单午餐 基本上什么营养都有了。
“5.0 out of 5 starsFive Stars
The best I have found
ByAmazon Customeron April 9, 2014
Size: 60 capsules|Package Type: Standard Packaging|Verified Purchase
Although expensive, this is the best probiotic (along with their Super 8 version) I have tried and I have tried most. I think I have also given most supplements know to man a try at some point for both fitness and general health reasons.
I haven’t had any bad reactions per say, but lets just say most also haven’t really done anything for me either other then drain the wallet. This probiotic is different.
Stomach wise, this stuff has been great for regulating the gut. I drink a lot of protein shakes, etc… and they tend to flow through one rather quickly if you know what I mean. This probiotic has noticeably helped eliminate gas and firm things up.
I have also given it to the wife and kids when they have gotten stomach flus and it has worked overnight in those cases. This is also the first complete winter in which I have gone without a single cold. I have read of this effect in other reviews and discounted it, but I am now a believer in the whole “gut health boosts overall immunity”.
These are worth a try if you are looking at addressing stomach and bowel issues. They are my first choice, along with the Flora Udo Super 8’s. Probiotics in general are one of only about 5-6 supplements I have found in the past 20 years that I can feel and see results from.
尽管价格贵,但这是最好的益生菌(连同他们的Super 8版本),我也尝试了很多别的益生菌。为了塑身和整体健康, 我尝试了一大部分保健品。 我都没有任何不好的反应,但大多数产品也没有啥明显的效果,除了让我的钱包空了。 但这款益生菌是不同的。
肠胃,这东西可以很好的调节肠道。 我喝了很多蛋白质奶昔等……你懂的,他们往往会很快的被代谢掉 。 这益生菌显着帮助消除排气和腹胀。
当我的妻子和孩子得了胃病时,我也会给他们服用,一夜见效。 这也是我第一次整个冬天都没有得感冒。我在其他评论也读到了这种效果,但我现在相信“肠道健康促进了整体免疫力”。
如果你正在寻找解决胃肠问题的方法,这值得一试。 它是我的第一选择,还有Flora Udo Super 8。 一般来说,益生菌是我在过去20年中发现唯一5、6种有效的保健品,我可以感受到并看到效果。
“5.0 out of 5 stars
Five Stars
Bysheila armlinon March 20, 2018
Size: 120 capsules|Package Type: Standard Packaging|Verified Purchase
Took these after three surgeries to repair my gut flora from all the antibiotic they put in me.’
“5.0 out of 5 starsFive Stars
feel so much better since taking this
Bystpatsbabyon August 30, 2016
Size: 120 capsules|Package Type: Standard Packaging|Verified Purchase
I started taking this after having a UTI, I feel so much better since taking this..
“5.0 out of 5 stars
Great results!
ByAnil Kayon September 14, 2017
Size: 60 capsules|Package Type: Standard Packaging|Verified Purchase
I have a very good “gut” feeling now – pun intended ;o). A lot of improvement in overall health after I started taking it. Would definitely recommend it.’
我现在的肠道感觉特别好哦,我开始服用后,整体健康状况有了很大改善。 肯定会推荐它。
“5.0 out of 5 starsFive Stars
Recommended probiotics
ByA. Backielon December 31, 2016
Size: 60 capsules|Package Type: Standard Packaging|Verified Purchase
Excellent quality probiotics. I’ve noticed a big improvement since I started taking these. I also give the infantis blend to my son.
优质的益生菌。 自从我开始服用益生菌后,我注意到了很大的改善。 我也给我儿子服它的婴儿益生菌 。
“5.0 out of 5 stars
happy camper!
BySpinalon January 19, 2015
Size: 60 capsules|Package Type: Standard Packaging|Verified Purchase
probiotics were recommended by my physician and I turned to Amazon and found what I think to be the best so far I’ve had absolutely no side effects and except for forgetting to take it now and again I’ve been using it now for quite a while and I’m perfectly happy with it.
我的医生推荐我服用益生菌的,我来亚马逊,发现它是迄今为止我认为最好的,在我身上我绝对没有副作用,除了有时我会忘记服用,现在我已经使用了它很久了, 我对它非常满意。
“5.0 out of 5 stars
Fast delivery and great value!
ByDebbie L.on July 9, 2016
Size: 60 capsules|Package Type: Standard Packaging|Verified Purchase
Just starting to use today. They came super quickly! Excited for this to work!.
刚开始使用今天。 发货速度超快!希望好用!
“5.0 out of 5 stars
the family we have Celiac/Ulcerative colitis and IBS! …
ByScooterMamaon January 30, 2015
Size: 60 capsules|Package Type: Standard Packaging|Verified Purchase
In the family we have Celiac/Ulcerative colitis and IBS! This is the only probiotic that.actually works for all three!